There are many ways to qualify!

There are many ways to secure funding for our allied health programs. While self-pay is always an option, there are several federal and state programs that provide financial assistance for workforce training. Please review the funding options below to learn more about how to qualify for these programs.


You may qualify if any of the following apply to you:

  • Single parent
  • Have a disability
  • Limited or no post-secondary training
  • Unemployed for 12+ months
  • Ex-offender
  • Veteran
  • Low income
  • Received public assistance previously
  • Age 55 or older
  • English language learner

Learn more.


You may qualify if any of the following apply to you:

  • Enrolled in Medicaid
  • Enrolled in Granite Advantage Health Care program
  • Enrolled in AmeriHealth
  • Enrolled in WellSense
  • Program provides:
    • 1:1 case management
    • Job search and readiness assistance
    • Direct job placement

Learn more.

My Turn

You may qualify if any of the following apply to you:

  • Age 18-24
  • Homeless
  • Low income
  • Had a 504 or IEP in high school
  • Court-involved
  • Were in foster care at any point
  • Recipient of public assistance
  • Pregnant
  • Dropped out of high school

Learn more.